Care home holds Holocaust exhibition telling poignant stories of six residents who fled Nazi persecution

A care home in Didsbury has unveiled a Holocaust exhibition at its synagogue featuring photographs and the stories of six of its residents.

Belong Morris Feinmann care village which was originally founded by Jewish refugee, Morris Feinmann, is home to five Holocaust refugees and a Holocaust survivor.

The exhibition which is on display at the home’s synagogue is being held to honour them and the millions of Jews who suffered persecution at the hands of the Nazis in World War II.

Care home residents - Frances Waldek, aged 100; Gisela Feldman, 98; Frania Strauss, 97; Sonja Sternberg, 96; Hans Rose, 94; and Peter Mittler, 91; have each provided their own words about life during this horrific period in history and the struggles they faced.

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