Every Story Matters

Every Story Matters is your opportunity to help the UK Covid-19 Inquiry understand your experience of the pandemic.

Was your loved one in a care home during the pandemic? Did you care for someone at home during this time? Or, did you work in the care sector during the pandemic? 

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is investigating the impact of the pandemic on the publicly and privately funded care sector in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This is part of the Inquiry’s 6th investigation (Module 6) and will consider the consequences of government decision making on those living and working within the care sector. 

Sharing your story will help The UK Covid-19 Inquiry to get a full picture of what happened during that time, the decisions made within the care sector and the lessons you think could be learned.

Don’t miss your chance to have your say. To ensure your story can shape the investigations into the impact of the pandemic on the care sector, please submit your experience by 23 July 2024. Any stories submitted after this date will be considered later in the Inquiry, but will not form part of the specific investigation on the care sector.

Read more and have your say here