Have your say about the Developing Skills Project
Healthwatch Suffolk (HWS) is undertaking an evaluation into the effectiveness and impact of the training provided under the Developing Skills in Health and Social Care Project.
As an employer who has referred members of staff for training through this programme, HWS would really like to hear your views – about what has worked well, what could have been improved, what your organisations future training needs are, and what impact the training has had for your staff and your organisation. The findings from this evaluation will be shared with Norfolk County Council and Suffolk County Council and will be used to inform decisions about future training opportunities for the health and care sector.
Ideally, HWS would like to speak to employers about their experiences (and the details on how to sign up for this are given below), however, we understand that it may be difficult to find time for a detailed phone conversation. HWS have therefore designed a short online survey to capture your feedback.
We would appreciate your participation in this evaluation as your feedback can help shape future training provision.
Taking part in an interview
A member of the HWS research team will contact you by phone to ask about your experience of the training provided by Developing skills project. The conversation is expected to last between 30 minutes- 1 hour. HWS will ask your permission to record the conversation, so they have an accurate record to refer to when putting together their final report. Once the study is over, HWS will destroy the recordings securely. HWS will keep the transcripts but we will anonymise the information and store them in a secure, non-identifiable way.
Your participation is completely voluntary. No participant will be identified in any of the publications or presentations that result from this study. However the final report will contain example quotes, and HWS are unable to guarantee that these could not be identifiable by the nature of the experience shared. HWS will put best efforts in place, including redacting information, to make the use of these quotes as anonymous as possible. The recording (or transcript) of the conversation will not be shared with anyone except the HWS research team.
If you are willing to take part in this evaluation, please click the following link (https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/Developingskillssignupform/) and leave your contact details. A member of the HWS research team will contact you to arrange a suitable time to speak to you.
What will happen to the results of this study?
HWS will analyse all of the information gathered as part of this evaluation (including views gathered from students, Mentors, Employer Engagement Officers, training providers etc) and will present a final report to the Developing Skills Steering group.
Thank you for reading this information and considering taking part in this study.