LGBTQ+ Older Adult Social Care Assessment (LOASCA) project

The LGBTQ+ Older Adult Social Care Assessment (LOASCA) study provided detailed knowledge of how adult social care workers consider sexual orientation and gender identity when assessing older people and how older LGBTQ+ people experience assessments.

The study used a collaborative process that included eight co-researchers, older LGBTQ+ people with lived experience of social care. These co-researchers undertook a range of research tasks and contributed across the project including: project design, data collection, data analysis, and dissemination, as well as ensuring the project findings were relevant and applicable.

This cross-sectional mixed-methods study used a multiple site case study design to understand:

A) How social care workers engage with issues of SOGI when assessing older LGBTQ+ people with care and support needs.

B) How these service users experience and receive assessments.

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